We recently asked more than 1,000 New Zealand marketers how they generate business leads. The results were… surprising

Overall, New Zealand marketers who responded to our informal survey employ a total of 23 lead generation tactics, and the most dominant tactics take the lead not because they’re necessarily effective, but because they’re the least resource intensive.

Content marketing and inbound marketing, for example, were widely acknowledged as probably among the better ways to generate leads (unless that was just by way of a nod to the fact that it was a content marketing strategist asking the question), but most felt content marketing was too time-consuming and too much of a drain on other resources.

Quick wins like email and Facebook advertising, although apparently offering lower yields when it comes to returns, were the most popular because they’re relatively quick and easy to put together and deliver.

Don’t for one minute mistake this for a scientific survey. I asked a question, and now I’m writing a blog based on the response – which was great by the way. A big thank you to all those that replied or who spent time talking with me on the telephone.

Other lessons, shared by some of the respondents, included don’t publish pictures of dead fish (even if you’re sponsoring an angling competition) – it doesn’t go down well – Mondays and Wednesdays offer the best times for engaging via email, and trade shows are usually just not worth the hard work when it comes to returns.

Here is a list, in order of popularity, of the top marketing tactics employed by marketers in New Zealand:

  1. Email – a clear winner, hands down
  2. Word-of-mouth referrals
  3. Facebook advertising and posts
  4. Organic search traffic via the website
  5. LinkedIn posts
  6. Events
  7. Content marketing
  8. Channel partnerships
  9. Third-party referral websites
  10. Telephone
  11. Adwords / Remarketing
  12. Loyalty programmes
  13. Traditional advertising
  14. Influencers to generate word-of-mouth
  15. Newsletters
  16. Inbound marketing
  17. Public relations
  18. Webinars
  19. Twitter
  20. Native advertising
  21. Instagram
  22. Google reviews
  23. Speaking

The last ten or so were pretty even in terms of the number of respondents who employ them. It should also be noted that most marketers will use a mix of tactics, such as email, organic search and referrals; or adwords, social media and email.

If you want to learn how to win hearts and minds and create great standout content, book here today for my Content Creation Masterclass. I look forward to meeting you there.


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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