At first glance, table salt is table salt – right? Not really. Regular table salt is ‘processed’ and has added anticoagulants, compared to Himalayan and Celtic salt, which are unrefined, better tasting, and contain more trace elements.
The difference between processed salt and organic salts can be seen as a metaphor for describing the difference between ‘paid marketing’ like AdWords (manufactured) and ‘organic marketing’ (natural).
Crystal salts like Himalayan are more sought after because of their quality – purity, richness in trace minerals, better taste, and aesthetically pleasing. They take longer to arrive at the table, but the quality and results are far superior.
For example, from the marketing perspective, research shows an average conversion rate of 2- 5% for paid digital marketing, compared to organic marketing, which enjoys a conversion rate of 10.2 – 38.89 per cent.
Organic marketing – like public relations, content marketing, and inbound funnels – is helpful, informative, and educational, compared to paid advertising, which is intrusive, disruptive, salesy, and hyped. Your customers (or clients) trust organic more than paid – organic is earned, and paid is bought.
Getting educational articles into the media, publishing quality blogs and having a conversion funnel in place using lead magnets and newsletters takes longer but is far more effective in attracting self-qualified opportunities. This is because you are answering common questions and solving problems with your content – it’s less a case of ‘look at me’ a.k.a. advertising, and more of ‘how can I help you?’
How can you make your PR, content marketing and inbound funnels more effective? Here are three things you can do right now:
1. Write whole articles (or produce videos, info-graphics, white papers) answering common customer questions about the problems you solve.
2. Keep it current. What issues and problems are they confronting now in 2024? Avoid the perennials. Make it relevant.
3. Always offer actionable advice. Things they could do without buying your products or services. It builds credibility, trust and a reputation for expertise – and they will buy from you because you’re the expert.
A former journalist and sales and marketing manager, Colin Kennedy is the director of Iron Road Communications. Using public relations, content marketing and inbound funnels, Iron Road helps customers attract self-qualified opportunities through engagement, nurture, and conversion.
To discuss if organic is right for you, email: [email protected]