GEM Visa, by Latitude Finance, advances credit to consumers. It’s a difficult position because finance is an essential need – people need money for vehicles, debt consolidation and yes, ‘holidays’ (the mental health returns of a good break are immeasurable). However, selling credit is also frowned upon by many.
The Problem Opportunity
The problem is, how do you sell money in a world where some – usually those that are wealthy enough not to need it – take a dim view of credit? The other issue was that the company needed to avoid offering financial advice.
The Solution
Iron Road worked with other agency partners to develop a content marketing campaign that acknowledged people are always going to borrow money – it’s hardly a product that needs to be sold (beyond standing out from the competition, which was the client’s objective).
However, instead of encouraging people to borrow, the campaign focused on helping people make better buying decisions with their credit – in other words, ‘how to get more bang for your borrowed buck’.
The process
Iron Road interviewed several third party experts like scuba diving instructors and motor vehicle repairers. Out of the interviews, we created articles designed to help consumers make better buying decision. For example, ‘Where to put your money when starting a new hobby like scuba diving, ‘Choosing the best AV system of your Japanese Import,’ and ‘Which Japanese imported vehicles do mechanics see most?’
A complementary body of content dealing with the issue of money – rather than money itself – was also created. These included stories like, ‘You’ve lost your job, now what? Three positive actions for getting through’ and ’12 + 1 credit card smarts for Kiwis travelling overseas’.
The content marketing campaign was a success. Although the campaign’s metrics are confidential, the campaign uniquely positioned the client apart from the competition’s run-of-the-mill messaging because it was inspirational, educational and informative.